Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Change We Can Believe In

Today is a pretty big day for America, I should venture.

Now I don't want to turn this into a political blog, because that's not what it's about.  I don't want to burn any bridges concerning something unrelated.

Let me just say... I think I trust this guy.  I feel good about this.

Now, while we're all in the political spirit, I want to divert from the path I was on yesterday (heroes) and look at one or two of Final Fantasy's favorite political leaders: Rufus Shinra and Cid Fabool IX

Rufus Shinra [FF7] - He was actually a difficult one to come up with for a song, but I think I have an idea.

I love love LOVE the idea of FFVII being a blend of rock and various other genres.  I think that Rufus' solo (if there were one, of course) should definitely be a majority of rock elements like rocks, electric drums, and the sort; as well as have a techno backing, electronica, whatever you'd like to call it.

The song that pops to mind most instantly is "It Will All Be Mine" sung by Giovanni in Pokemon, Live! (which, rest assured, will have a post in time, because I love it.)

And I'm sure I've lost some of you with that reference, so I'll post it here.

While doing research, I actually even thought of a title for his song.  It would be a song all about how he wants to rule with fear, and how he wants to herald in a new age of Midgar.  I dunno if people like Heidegger could get little extended solo lines within (because I LOVE Heidegger, hah), but I thought that it would be a neat little reference to his in-game battle if the song were titled "Dark Nation".  (The name of his battle hound).  I actually really liked this idea because it was both a really great allusion, and, well, I think it sums him up to a tee.

Agree?  Disagree?  Tell me!


Cid Fabool IX (FF9) - Being that he spends 3/4 of the game as either an oglop or a frog, it was hard to think of where he's driven enough to sing.  The verdict is that I don't think he merits a solo.  In his throughline in the game, he just never has a strong enough motivation.  Honestly, the only time we see him by himself, he's a frog trying to get a key from a monster (which is really funny... but songworthy?)

Instead, I'd make it a duet.  I was watching some FF9 footage on youtube the other day... 'cause that's just what I do, I guess (don't judge me!) and I actually thought that there was an incredibly powerful scene between Cid and his wife, Hilda, as Hilda finally agrees to turn Cid back into a human.  He gets on his knees and promises he'll never make mistakes again and that he loves her, and the sappy fool that I am was really touched.

I don't have as much in mind for this song in terms of instruments.  If I had to venture a guess, I think it'd begin when he's still a frog begging for her mercy, something slow and heartfelt, followed by a verse or bridge by Hilda.  The climax of the song, in my opinion, would be when Hilda turns Cid back into a human, in truly touching "Beauty and the Beast"-esque fashion, and they finish the song together in lavish harmony as they embrace at the end.  Standard stuff, I guess.  What'dya think?

While I didn't think of any instruments or lyrics or anything, I did end up coming up with some pretty terrible title ideas for the song in my brainstorming.  I warn you, these are awful, haha.  The first one I thought of was "Hilda Guard," the next one being "We Don't Need Mist to Fly." (I warned you...)

And with that, have a wonderful Inauguration Day, my fellow gamers!


  1. ... That Giovanni song is too awesome. xD If Rufus had a song like that, I would listen to it every day! We could have the Turks do the background singing, haha! (I'm kidding! TOTALLY kidding!!)

  2. Haha, I'm glad you're liking my ideas so far! The Rufus idea struck me spontaneously and I had to run with it.

  3. That Giovanni song is win ^_^ I'm not a big Final Fantasy person but, with what I know, that Rufus song would be the most awesome song ever.

    And that duet is so adorable! I'd love to hear it
